by admin | Sep 30, 2019 | Healthcare, SMB Technology, Technology News
Emergency Satellite Phone Systems Satellite phones can be a necessary tool when it comes to emergency management and preparation. Communication is key when you are dealing with a disaster no matter how large or small. This is because people are key and people need...
by admin | May 16, 2019 | SMB Technology, Technology News
Preparing for disasters Because predicting the future is hard Disasters happen every day. Natural disasters are growing at an alarming rate. Human caused disasters are even scarier. Unfortunately, predicting the future is hard. That is why we need to spend our time a...
by admin | Feb 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Why You NEED a Phone System Failover What is a “Failover” A failover is a backup operation that switches to a standby database, server or network if there is a system failure. Failover is an essential piece when it comes to resiliency. With a failover in...
by admin | Jan 18, 2019 | News
The CenturyLink outage and how to protect your organization What Happened Nationwide CenturyLink service internet outages have been reported. This included several 911 outage reports. The CenturyLink CEO had this to say, “The source of the outage was a particular...
by admin | Dec 19, 2018 | Healthcare
Four fundamental pieces of a CMS compliant communication plan When designing a CMS compliant communication plan, health care providers must cover four fundamental pieces: 1. Contact information for all stakeholders To qualify for medicare and medicaid,...